Monday, May 6, 2013

Walter Lüftl
Walter Lüftl is a professional engineer with a large engineering firm in Vienna and is
president of the Austrian Chamber of Engineers. In 1992 Lüftl wrote a report calling
the alleged extermination of millions of Jews in gas chambers "technically
impossible." He pointed out that the design of the crematories themselves showed that
they were incapable of handling the number of victims alleged. "Corpses are not
flammable material," wrote Lüftl, " to cremate them requires much time and energy."
These reports and other mounting evidence have shown the durability of the
conclusions stated in Did Six Million Really Die?. The booklet has proven to be, in
the words of Dr. Robert Faurisson, "prophetic."
Today Samisdat is proud to publish Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the
Evidence in the Canadian "False News" Trial of Ernst Zündel, 1988. This book is the
result of four years of work and summarizes for the reader the evidence presented at
the second Zündel trial in 1988. This includes, for the Crown, the evidence of
Holocaust historians Raul Hilberg (whose evidence from 1985 was read to the jury
since he refused to reattend personally) and Christopher Browning and the evidence
of Red Cross representative Charles Biedermann. For the defence, it includes the
evidence of the premiere revisionist historian today, Dr. Robert Faurisson, that of the
internationally renowned British historian David Irving, German historian Udo
Walendy, American historian Mark Weber, Canadian crematory expert Ivan Lagacé
and Canadian aerial photograph expert Ken Wilson. It includes the evidence and the
report of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., concerning his forensic investigation of the alleged gas
chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek and the evidence of chemistry expert
Dr. James Roth concerning the cyanide content of samples removed from the alleged
Auschwitz gas chambers by Leuchter. It summarizes the evidence of the pathbreaking


It is shocking that the persecution of Ernst Zündel has continued for ten years and
continues today with virtually no protest either in the intellectual or media elites of
Canada. These elites are apparently no longer interested in objective truth, but
interested only in maintaining the "political correctness" which will ensure access to
lucrative government and institutional positions, the continuation of government and
academic grants and the accolades of their like-minded peers. These elites did not

simply remain silent concerning the Zündel trials but participated in a feeding frenzy
of hatred against him simply because he had published a booklet questioning the
Holocaust. Few voices were raised in defence of intellectual freedom and its relation
to the workings of a true democracy. Instead, Zündel was attacked, vilified and
ridiculed. The media willingly censored the 1988 trial. The performance of these
elites in the Zündel affair has shown that they are unwilling to inform Canadians
honestly about controversial and vital issues which offend powerful vested interests;
indeed, it has proven their total corruption.
Ernst Zündel, in the foreword to the first Did Six Million Really Die?, wrote the
following words:
Truth has no need of coercion. Those who choose to ignore the truth are not punished
by law -- they punish themselves. We of Samisdat Publishers do not believe that you
should be forced to read something, any more than we believe that you should be
forced not to read something...Whether you agree or disagree with the facts presented
in this booklet, we invite you to assist us in reclaiming and safeguarding the freedoms
we have all so long enjoyed, until now, in Canada...Without freedom of enquiry and
freedom of access to information we cannot have freedom of thought and without
freedom of thought, we cannot be a free people.
Today those words apply with even greater force as more and more individuals face
prosecution in Canada and Europe for their beliefs and opinions. Samisdat offers this
book to its readers in the hope that they will reclaim for themselves the right to decide
what is truth in history.


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