Monday, May 6, 2013

16 The Plot to Seize the White House

That would be an important step toward organizing the veterans of American
to put pressure on Congress and the President for such a bill.
 Why, Butler asked him curiously, did he think the President would
allow himself to be pressured by such tactics?  Clark expressed confidence
that Roosevelt would yield because he belonged, after all, to the same social
class that was solidly behind the gold standard.  Once he had restored it, his
fellow patricians would rally around him and defend his position against
 Butler was shocked by Clark’s blatant snobbery, but even more by the
millionaire’s assumption that the wishes of economic royalists should-and
would-prevail over the democratic processes of government.  Once more his
anger boiled over. In a voice that cracked with indignation, he exploded that
he wanted nothing to do with a scheme to exploit veterans.  Furthermore, he
rasped, he intended to see to it that the veterans of the country were not used
to undermine democracy but to defend it.
 Clark’s face turned crimson.  Chagrined, he reproached Butler for
being stubborn and “different,” hinting that such things as the mortgage on
Butler’s house could be taken care of for him, and in a fully legal fashion.
 This crude attempt to bribe him was too much for the dumbfounded
general.  Bellowing his indignation, he roared an order at the millionaire to
follow him into the living room.  Clark meekly trailed him into a large hall
resplendent with flags, banners, decorations, plaques, scrolls, citations, and
other symbols of esteem that had been presented to the general during his
long career in the Marines.  The hall was flanked at both ends by huge
canopies on tall poles-“Blessings Umbrellas” awarded by unanimous vote of
the people of Chinese cities only to their greatest benefactors.
 Quivering with rage, Butler pointed out to Clark that most of the
awards in the hall had been given to him by poor people all over the world,
and he vowed that he would never betray their faith.  Ordering Clark to
inspect them until he understood the enormity of his mistake, Butler stormed
off to his study, pacing back and forth in an effort to simmer down.
 In a few minutes a chastened Clark joined him and meekly


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